BLOG: Youth - Environment Education school clubs - Earth Day with Mfuleni Technical College - “Invest in Our Planet” Celebration

by Afika Ndlela

On Friday 29th April 2022 the Mfuleni Technical College held an event in celebration of Earth Day. The event was proposed by the learners in the environmental club together with the coordinating teacher, Ms Mpoyiya.

The purpose of the event was to bring environmental awareness to the school through information sharing with organisations that are focusing on diverse environmental issues. Environmental Monitoring Group invited organisations and government departments to share information about their programmes, securing participation from Solid Waste Management Department of the City of Cape Town and from the Department of Water and Sanitation – Water Resource Protection branch.

The event was just over an hour long, during school lunchtime and due to bad weather conditions, it was held indoors. Over 70 learners were present and participated in the event, 30 of the learners were from the environmental media group at Fairdale High, who captured the proceedings for the day.

There were various information tables where the officials explained to the learners about their work, and ways to minimise negative environmental impacts, sharing how the learners can help to save the environment from any further destructive impacts. The Solid Waste Management Department presented the importance of recycling and re-use of waste material, as well as their waste-wise programme within schools. The Department of Water and Sanitation gave input on water testing and the reasons and ways we need to urgently save water.

The environmental club learners also had information desks with posters on HIV&AIDS, Gender Based Violence (GBV), and Climate Change, explaining the impacts, and how it affects our daily lives.

Both learners and educators reported enjoying the event, even though the learning activities at different desks were sometimes crowded because of the limited indoor space - and proposed a follow up activity of a clean - up of the school area. The Earth Day environmental education at Mfuleni Technical College was the first event held as the school is fairly new.

We commend Mfuleni Technical College for their environmental education focus and supporting this learning and exchange event for the clubs.